Monday, April 30, 2007


I will soon put some of the shots I completed on Happy Feet and Everyones Hero online shortly, but in the meantime I found a link to the chap who did the designs for April O'neal. In his blog he comments on one of the shots that I completed.

While I'm on the topic below is a list of the shots I completed on TMNT

  1. I did the shot of her pushing through the foliage and walking out into a clearing after seeing a gun lying on the ground
  2. April after she has been caught after falling down a cliff and being caught by Leonardo. She says 'Leo!!!'. The actual shot I completed was substantially longer, but unfortunately on that section made it into the final cut
  3. The wide shot of April and Leo talking around the campfire. (I only animated April in this sequence)
    Dialogue: 'Actually I was already here on business, but then the local legend started sounding familiar, so I decided to snoop around....[Leo: 'What kind of business?'].. 'Ancient artifacts. Some tycoon with to much time on his hands had his heart set on a 3000 year old collection of statues...'
  4. April is doing sword drills in her lounge room, and here's something on the TV, so turns round to watch and rests the sword on her shoulder
  1. Casey when he first see's Leonardo. 'Leo!!!!!!!'


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