New website
Finally! I've decided to get my act together and update my website. The main drive behind this is so that I can keep it relatively up to date without to much fuss, so I have opted for the ubiquitous blogger type website. As it is at the moment, it is fairly empty, but over the next week or so I'll fill out the various links and stuff, and will also update my animation page. I've been itching to do that but haven't been able to for various reason, however I can start to update now and will shortly add a bunch of stuff I have done over the last year or so, including shots from Happy Feet, and Everyones Hero. Unfortunately I can't add any TMNT or other stuff I've done recently yet, but I'll post a list of the shots I completed soon. Anyway, I'm glad I've finally gotten my act together to get this new website up.
Once its all thoroughly fleshed out, I hope you enjoy it.
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