Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Finally, Freeman posts some animation

I've finally got my act together to cut some of the animation I've done over the last year or so together and post to my website.
You find it in the animation section

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Slope soaring

I'm a huge fan of slope soaring remote controlled gliders.
The beauty of these planes is they are completely wind powered. Essentially like having a high tech kite (I have many kites also... :P ). Since we moved out to South Gippsland I've been able to indulge in this hobby, as one of the prerequisites for slope soaring is steep inclines and strong winds... all of which are in plentiful supply here.
I recently built a canterbury sailplane PC-9 model glider which the plane that the RAAF roulettes use.

I've have been having a blast flying it on windy days. The great thing about slope soaring is they are reliant on the wind and so you can fly them for hours without have to worry about running out of power.

Here's a link to a clip of some blokes in NZ flying the same model. As soon as I can convince my wife to come out and video my plane I'll post a clip, but in the meantime here are these guys having a ball.

...... its going to be windy tomorrow...... WOOHOO!