So the end of the year is rolling around.
It's been another very busy and productive one here. I've had the opportunity to work with a whole bunch of incredibly talented people on a whole bunch on great projects including Kung Fu Panda: the secrets of the furious 5, Open Season 2, and a yet to be released Imax feature of which I can't talk yet. While all this was happening , my son turned 5, my daughter is creeping up on three, and my wife and I have made the transition to the country having bought a beautiful old farmhouse on 2 acres out in south Gippsland. In my spare time I've been cranking away at the garden, and the results are starting to bare fruit (pardon the pun).

We also bought two Goats (a five year old Toggenburg called patch and a 1 year old called curly). Patch was pregnant when we bought her so we now have three goats (the smallest was christened 'Tiny' by my son.
As a result, I've been making cheese (mozzarella, Ricotta, Cheddar and Feta so far), yogurt with the resulting milk.
I've had two beehives at my parents too which we've shifted over to our house, and we're hoping for a big honey kick in a couple of months.
So all up the year has been very busy, but very rewarding. When I get a chance I'll try and put a couple more photos up of our goats and bees.